Thursday 6 March 2008

I'm back!

It's been 2 years since I started my journey into the world of crime fighting, I will explain my absence soon. First off here is my first time of blogging:
Please read to bring yourself back upto scratch.

Where have I been?
Well, I have continued boxing and judo has well has self defence classes and some weapons training. I have spent the last year on my own, camping in the hills and woods of Scotland, Wales, Ireland and parts of England. I have had to work in bars in local villages so I could eat and train at local gyms.
I studied Ninjitsu although it was'nt has good has I thought it might be.
Above all my journey has been sprituall more than anything, I found myself, by reading books on positive thinking and fear, by spending nights alone in the woods with only a stick for company, I have meet many strangers who inspired me into knowing that what I am doing is right.
This started off has me wanting to go out and beat up criminals, now I know it is much more than that.

What now?
I am still training and I am looking into getting a suit and things such has a stab proof vest together. Still some preparing to do but the time is near.
